嘉穎科萌贸易有限公司是一个代理国外先进科技产品的中囯公司,是“Drop N Tell”和“Tip N Tell ”产品在中国地区的总代理商,在香港,北京,上海,乌鲁木齐,美国均有注冊公司。主要经营运输标帖,代理西欧,美国以及俄罗斯等国航天,通信等各型科技设备,技术咨询,技术引进和中国科学院大恒集团合作,经营大屏幕系统工程。是中囯机械工程学会会员。
CarwinHi Tech Limited is a Hong Kong based company with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Urumqi, and the United States.
We provide distributors for the latest scientific companies in Western Europe, the United States, and Russia, and have been promoting high-tech equipment such as aerospace and telecommunications in China for many years. We have also installed high-tech product systems in China and have consulting services. CarwinHi Tech Co., Ltd. collaborates with China Daheng Group to operate large-scale projection systems for LCD/DLP/OpticalFiberDisplay in China, Hong Kong, and Macau.
Our company is an official member of the China Mechanical Engineering Association.